Where To Find the Ford PCM Part Number?

Where To Find the Ford PCM Part Number?

PCM is an abbreviation for the powertrain control module, an automotive component, and control unit found in automobiles. 

It is often a combined control unit that includes the engine control unit (ECU) and even the transmission control unit (TCU).

In rare cases, you may have inadvertently cleared your powertrain control (PCM), or a calibration update went awry.

So, you’ll need to recover PCM, and this post will go over how to do so.

Where To Find the Ford PCM Part Number?

The Ford PCM part number is the code written on the top of your Ford PCM’s pin portion

PS – On an OEM Ford component, that’s where it’s intended to be labeled.

Finding Ford PCM Part number with OCR technique:

You’ll need your PCM’s component number. 

  • If one enters PCM from a different system and calibration is available, one can still flash their PCM.
  • By entering any part number, you will enter a special mode where you will access all potential modifications for that PCM part number.

What are the requirements for doing Ford OCR?

Ford IDS Software laptop

Download Free Ford IDS v106 Software

VCM II VXDAIG Ford is an example of hardware that can run Ford IDS.

  • Begin by immersing yourself in the universe of Mode $09. 
  • OBDII setting $9 is the details set. 
  • (SAE), in the early 1990s, these roles and modes were industry standards.
  • If you have a piece of check equipment that can auto-identify a vehicle by drawing the vehicle identifying number (VIN) using the OBDII port, you deal using Mode $09 daily.
  • Regardless of whether it’s a computer tablet-based check tool, one should be able to retrieve Mode $09 data.
  • Albeit it’s unlikely to be called that. 
  • Some scanning machines may refer to it by a different name. 
  • The information should be obtained by standard OBDII features or vehicle-specific software. 
  • When you locate the information, you will need to look for three digits.
  • The VIN is the very first. 
  • Now, double-check to see the PCM find several cars you’re working on. 
  • On some older automobiles, a VIN discrepancy is conceivable. 
  • Remember that you’ll need the right VIN to go to the most current calibration.
  • PCM can be programmed by inputting the above in software then.

PS – One can also do all this via manual programming, but the steps will be over Twenty-plus, which is not very comfortable.

Finding PCM part number issue and costs for a new:

How do you diagnose a PCM find part number problem?

  • PCM Errors and How to Fix Them
  • Find the PCM in your car.
  • Check the electrical harness.
  • Find the diagnostic data port on your vehicle.
  • To a diagnostic data port, plug in your OBD-II scanner.
  • In the ignition cylinder, insert your key.
  • One can see the codes on the OBD-II device’s readout screen.
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Resetting a PCM with part number quickly

  • Remove the vehicle’s hood.
  • Remove the battery’s negative battery cable. 
  • Take the line off using a wrench to release the lock nut. 
  • The PCM’s power gets switched off as a result of this. 
  • Five minutes have passed. 
  • Close the vehicle’s bonnet after reconnecting the negative battery connection to the battery. 
  • The PCM has now been restored to its original state.

New PCM with part number costing

This is when things start to become pricey. 

  • Depending on the type and model of your automobile, the PCM will cost between $500 and $1,200. 
  • Meanwhile, labor to install and program the PCM will cost another $120. 
  • As a result, a PCM replacement should cost at least $600.

Why is this so costly? 

  • Because the PCM is indeed a complicated computer component. 
  • Processing all sensor data and managing the automobile requires strong processors, and computers aren’t cheap. 
  • When it comes to computers, the most moderately powered laptops presently cost at least $800. 
  • Because the PCM is essentially a computer, it is highly costly.

Finding PCM part number and replacing the faulty by yourself:

Before we get started, bear in mind that this technique might be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

  • Whether you don’t see any symptoms of physical damage immediately away, try reprogramming the PCM to see if the problem remains. 
  • Replacing a PCM with a part number is substantially more expensive than reprogramming it.

With that in mind, here’s how you might investigate it further:

  • Before removing the PCM, disconnect the negative connection from the battery.
  • Ground yourself by contacting metal to minimize static energy discharge from your fingertips damaging the PCM, even if the PCM is in good working order.
  • Loosen the fasteners that keep the wire harness in place, but don’t remove them. 
  • Remove the wire connector from the PCM, making cautious not to bend the pins by pulling it straight off. 
  • Lower the bolt further if the plug won’t come out easily.
  • Take the PCM out of the automobile by removing the insulator holding bolts.
  • Inspect the connection for bent pins.
  • Check for a burnt plastic odor in the PCM (yes, smell it).
  • If you notice twisted pins or smell burnt plastic, you may be sure the PCM is damaged. 
  • You can open the box to check it further, but you don’t need to if you notice bent pints or smell burning plastic.
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You have found and replaced a faulty PCM Part number; now, take a new one.

Some other questions,

Related Questions & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1.) Should one drive with a lost PCM part number?

Answer: Many components, including the engine, is affected by a failed PCM. 

Due to the current situation, both the check engine and the few other fault lights will illuminate.

Q2.)Can a faulty PCM with a part number cause transmission issues?

Answer: Poor performance or unexpected declines in fuel efficiency are frequently linked to onboard car computers or malfunctioning ECU issues. 

A faulty ECU can cause difficulty shifting gears in an automatic transmission and jerking or halting that resembles transmission issues.

Q3.) What’s the best way to program a PIC microcontroller part number?

Answer: Attach the scan tool to an OBD II port on the PCM and turn it on. 

You’ll have to choose from various options depending on the type of your automobile.

Q4.) Is it true that a faulty PCM with a lost part number will deplete the battery?

Answer: A faulty ECM power switch can potentially result in battery exhaustion or death. 

Q5.) Does a fuse trip the ECM for a PCM part number?

Answer: The ECM is one of these computers with a fuse placed to protect it from sudden power or other component damage.

The fuses will break before any damage reaches the ECM, and one can blow a fuse due to various component issues.

Q6.) What is the cost of reprogramming the powertrain control module?

Answer: You might have a variety of automotive troubles if this system isn’t operating properly. 

  • The PCM with a part number will cost $450 and $1,630 to replace. 

Q7.) Is it possible that a faulty ABS module part number may result in gearbox issues?

Answer: ABS do have an impact on gearbox performance. 

The ABS includes the vehicle speed sensor. Your truck’s speedometer is located here. 

Q8.) Is reprogramming a PCM necessary?

Answer: To modify the engine idle speed, spark timing, fuel mixture, or other emission control functions, PCM reprogramming is also required. 

Q9.) Should one drive a computerized control module (PCM) with no part number?

Answer: Yes, you could turn your car on without the PCM to give you a quick response. 

  • All illumination will function normally, including headlights, turn signals, and four-way illumination. 
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Q10.) How to reset a faulty PCM by removing the battery?

Answer: The problem reappearance will take a few days. 

Resetting the PCM by disconnecting the battery on a rising number of late-model (2003 and newer) cars can result in more than just erasing the Keep-Alive memory. 

Q11.) What happens if PCM stops working?

Answer: Random or Erratic Shifting

Rough shifting is one of the most extreme PCM failure symptoms. 

Q12.) What is the cost for labor when reprogramming a PCM part number?

Answer: You should anticipate paying $45 and $125 for labor. 

Parts should cost between $400 and $1500.

Q13.) What are some common failure issues of a PCM part number failure?

Answer: A defective sensor or water damage to some of the circuitry in your car’s PCM or TCM is the most common cause. 

A malfunctioning PCM or TCM might cause the vehicle to become stuck in gear, posing a major safety risk.

Q14.) What is the one related function of PCM?

Answer: All of this is unrelated to the PCM. Its only purpose is to connect the car’s instruments, driver input, engine, and gearbox systems.

Q15.) What are some sure shots symptoms warranting a PCM recalibration need?

Answer: A warm or cold starting problem, rough idling, stopping, or an emission failure may necessitate PCM reprogramming.

Q16.) What are some most likely consequences of a relay short in PCM?

Answer: Even after the car is switched off, it might lose power onto another computer if the relay shorts. 

The battery will have a parasitic drain, and it will ultimately die.

Q17.) Does an ABS hurt for a PCM part number fault?

Answer: The torque converter is locked whenever the truck upshifts, downshifts, or locks the torque converter, and the gearbox tuning depends on road speed.

Final Verdict:

Compared to many other OEMs, installing Ford electronic control units (ECUs) is rather basic and uncomplicated. 

On the other hand, Ford accomplishes something that most other OEMs do not. 

The standard Ford programming technique requires you to “inhale” (read and save) the As-Built data from the old ECU to the scan tool.

And when these As-Built vehicle performance variables and tuning characteristics may be transferred to a new, remanufactured, or recovered ECU, you are installing.

Thanks For Reading!

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