Why Will My Whirlpool Jacuzzi Tub Not Turn On?

Why Will My Whirlpool Jacuzzi Tub Not Turn On?

A soothing soak in a warm bathtub after an exhausting day at home or work can relieve tension and ease tight muscles.

However, suppose you slip into your tub only to discover that it’s not functioning correctly. In that case, the relaxation session may delay until you figure out how to fix the issue. 

If you are trying to troubleshoot problems with a spa jet, you might want to consult the user’s manual first and then search for the troubleshooting section. 

However, you should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for solving problems with your specific tub model.

And there are some standard jetted tub troubleshooting tools that you could add to your list of items.

Why Will My Whirlpool Jacuzzi Tub Not Turn On?

The most obvious reason your Whirlpool Jacuzzi tub is not turning ON is an electrical issue like in the breaker circuit or faulty electronics.

PS – A faulty thermostat, drainpipe or inlet valve issues, breaker circuit, and many more can cause problems with your tub.

Troubleshooting your Whirlpool Jacuzzi Tub not turning on:

Not turning on could be due to a defective control panel for the spa and an unsatisfactory spa control board.

Or due to a poor cable running between both the control panel and control board. 

  • It could also be a fuse on the circuit board, or the transformer is not sending the right energy to the upper panel. 
  • If you have recently replaced your topside control panel and are still experiencing problems, make sure whether your topside control panel works with the circuit board as well as chip rev numbers.

Troubleshooting for a bad electrical connection – 

  • Typically, electricity isn’t available in the wiring box for field use, located above the pump or motor.
  • Check that the voltage supplied is 220Vand, not 110V.
  • Make sure that the breaker is “on.”
  • Ensure that the power supply does not come from two 110V lines from one phase. It must comprise two 110V lines that are from the two phases.
  • Make sure that the GFCI break isn’t tripping.

Finding the issue, yourself – 

  • The easiest way to verify the correct power supply is to test the voltage in the wiring box for field use using a multimeter. 
  • It should read 220V, use the buttons within the user interface, and check whether it responds. 
  • If the user interface isn’t working, there is no power to the whirlpool unit, or the user interface is not connected.
  • Check that the circuit breaker on the whirlpool has been switched to the “on” setting.
  • Verify that the GFCI/RCD isn’t in a state of being.
  • Make sure you check the wires in the field box for wiring and ensure that the connections are secured.
  • Check that the service for the wire box in the field is 220V two-wire connection. 
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PS – Contact a professional or replace the parts if the above problems work for you.

Troubleshooting some other related issues for a Jacuzzi tub:

Jetted Tub Won’t Heat – 

  • Before you thoroughly soak yourself, dipping just some toes into your jetted tub can alert you to cold water, not the warm sensation you’d like to experience. 
  • If your tub isn’t heating up, There are a variety of solutions to try before calling an expert.
  • It’s just as simple as replacing or cleaning the tub’s filter. 
  • If you find an airlock within the supply lines, consult a plumber to solve the problem.

Foamy, cloudy, or dirty water –

  • If the water is like it is a little murky after filling the tub with jets, it is time to get the tester for pH to test the pH of the water.
  • You can also clean the cartridge for your filter, change the sanitizer level, empty the tub, and then give all components a thorough cleaning.
  • Check that the product comes labeled explicitly for use as a cleaning agent for jetted tubs and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to find the best cleaner.

Problems with the Jets – 

  • When the water jets of your bathtub aren’t functioning correctly, it could be that you have an additional issue.
  • To cleanse the jets, you must first cut off the power source to your bathtub by turning the associated breaker to the “off” place. 
  • Clean the jets using the help of a soft brush to get rid of any debris which could block the jets.
  • Take off the old gasket seals and then apply the silicone sealant on both sides of the gaskets.

Top tips for maintaining your Whirlpool/ any Jacuzzi for long life: 

1. Use hot tub covers.

  • A simple way to ensure that your spa is kept clean and the water in it clean is to cover it with an enclosure for your hot tub. 
  • Be sure to clean off dirt as part of your routine maintenance or use the garden hose to wash the bottom that covers the surface. 
  • If you apply any chemical over the cover, ensure not to use it in any place in the other areas as it could harm the hot tub’s water. 

2. Sanitise your spa.

  • Most experts suggest using bromine or chlorine to cleanse your spa or hot tub. 
  • Although chlorine is the most well-known, however, both kill bacteria and other harmful substances present in water. 
  • Certain people might suffer mild skin irritation from either bromine or chlorine. Fortunately, there are many other options on the market. 

3. Clean and replace filters.

  • If your filter has become clogged or dirty or has obstructions, water won’t pass through, and you won’t be able to eliminate any contaminants out of your pool. 
  • In addition, you should look for better quality filters that are more efficient and will last for longer. 
  • Clean your filter cartridges at least every two weeks or as often as you need to get rid of particles. 
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4. Cleanse, drain and then refill the water.

  • In general, you’ll want to drain and fill your hot tub at least every 3-4 months. 
  • After you have exhausted your water to a whole level, you’ll need to clean it and disinfect it appropriately. 
  • Lastly, fill it with water.

5. Use your Jacuzzi!

  • At first, the Jacuzzi is an exciting new toy. It’s always in use and enjoying the advantages. 
  • But it’s crucial to use your Jacuzzi for its spotless working regularly.

Some other questions,

Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1.) What are some ways of troubleshooting a jetted tub?

Answer: Head to the breaker box and confirm that the jetted tub is in the ON position, primarily if a recent power outage occurs.

You can clean your filters, and your tub gets okay.

Q2.) Is there a reset button on your Jacuzzi tub?

Answer: Yes, you can quickly locate a reset button on the heater unit near a pilot light. Press the button to reset everything.

PS – Some special spa units have an HL switch that might turn off if the thermometer fails.

Q3.) Why can be my Jacuzzi bath not work?

Answer: One needs to check for any broken wires/ full of corrosion terminals and test the pump switch control.

Q4.) How much do you spend on fixing a jacuzzi tub?

Answer: It can easily take about $150 to $200/jet.

And be ready to shell around $75+ for the parts alone.

Q5.) What is an air switch on some jacuzzis which has some issues?

Answer: An air switch has a pneumatic air button at the spa-side plus an additional pneumatic-activated switch connected via a small air hose.

Q6.) What are the top reasons behind the hot tub jets not working properly?

Answer: A hot tub jet not working is due mainly to clogs in drain covers, low water levels, or a dirty filter.

Other things are Improper Jet Adjusted, and Valve closed, Clogs in the pump impeller, or similar issues with your hot tub controls.

Q7.) How can one repair a Jacuzzi tub?

Answer: We know that these Jacuzzi tubs are for therapeutic purposes or luxuries to your bathroom.

So, maintain them properly then your traditional bathtubs, and no need for any repairs then.

Q8.) How to troubleshoot a hot tub for a faulty control panel?

Answer: It is not rocket science to figure out how and from where the issues are coming.

For instance, an error message/ code hints for it, the display flickers, or some partial shows are coming.

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Q9.) Can the hot jacuzzi tub turn off automatically?

Answer: No, there are not going to do so until the temperature you set falls off.

Understand this by an example, you set the tub for 104 F, and the temperature reaches 103 F, jets will turn on automatically.

Q10.) Can one bathe in a jacuzzi tub as well?

Answer: Jetted tubs rely on air or water jets for sensations, and a bubble bath is the main feature.

Q11.) How can an individual replace a faulty water jet from their hot tubs?

Answer: Do as follow –

Firstly, turn off the hot tub and then find the outer edge of the faulty jet. Then, place its head down and line the notch tab on the jet’s back.

Turn the hot tub again.

Q12.) What are the shelf lives of Jacuzzi bathtubs?

Answer: Easily above twenty to fifty years! Don’t believe us? And this was done in a Study of Life Expectations of Home Components by the National Association of home builders.

Q13.) What is likely the lifespan of a hot tub?

Answer: Five to twenty years known as spa longevity will most likely be the lifespan of a hot tub.

Q14.) Are Jacuzzi and Whirlpool tubs the same?

Answer: Well, for some time, Jacuzzi has become synonymous with home spa tubs, and you can call it a whirlpool or any jetted tubs, for instance.

Q15.) How to operate my jacuzzi whirlpool five years old?

Answer: Press the ON/OFF control switch on the tub’s side to turn on the pump.

Wait for around 50 seconds, so the pump operates at full. Jets will automatically come into play then.

Q16.) Why is the Jacuzzi heater giving issues while operating?

Answer: The most probable reason is that filters have some clogging, so cleaning the filters correctly or a low water level, clogged spa drain cover can also cause this.

Q17.) What are the top tips for maintaining your Jacuzzi?

Answer: Using a hot tub cover and sanitize the spa with either chlorine/ bromine or clean the filters.

Final Verdict:

One should get inside the tub to troubleshoot in most cases. 

Ensure the water level is correct as of the first step, and Most tubs will have a gauge to show you this. 

If the water level is low or too high, this can affect the operation of the jet and may cause the jets not to operate at all. 

If the jet does not operate when you turn it on, this may indicate that the tub fills too high or that the plane has a leak.

Next, check to see if the water leaks out of the tub.

Thanks For Reading!

1 thought on “Why Will My Whirlpool Jacuzzi Tub Not Turn On?”

  1. Just purchased home with aqua glass jetted bath tub. Tub has not been used in several years. Have replaced the air switch and when I press the button the unit comes on for a few seconds spitting out black junk then shuts off automatically. Why does it shut off.

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